Rye Livestock Feed
Rye is garnering more attention as a beneficial inclusion in livestock rations
Rye in Poultry Diets. Jacqui Jacob.
Describes rye as a feed inclusion for mature laying hens but recommends against feeding rye to chicks or broilers.
Small Grains, Large Gains: Feeding Rye to Pigs. Celize Christy.
Hybrid Rye: Additional Benefits for Organic Swine Production. Byrnnen Gardner.
Research articles:
Rye Bread in the Diet of Pigs Enhances the Formation of Enterolactone and Increases Its Levels in Plasma, Urine and Feces. Bach Knudsen Knud Erik, et. al.
Studied the amount of lignans present in pigs fed a rye bread compared to wheat bread diet.
Effect of a High Proportion of Rye in Compound Feed for Reduction of Salmonella Typhimurium in Experimentally Infected Young Pigs. Bussarakam Chuppava, et. al.
Studied the effects of a rye compared to wheat diet on the levels of Salmonella in pig fecal matter.
Antibiotic Use in European Pig Production: Less Is More. Jeoren Dewulf, et. al.
Literature review of antibiotic use in pigs at different life stages in Europe and rates of antibiotic use from 2011 to 2020.
Barley, Triticale, or Rye? The Type of Grain Can Affect the Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Sustainable Raised Pigs. Eugeniusz R. Grela, et. al.
Studied the effects of barley, triticale, and rye on pig growth performance, meat quality, and fatty acid profile.
Environmental impacts of the cultivation-phase associated with agricultural crops for feed production. Isabel Noya, et. al.
Used a Life Cycle Analysis system to study the environmental impacts of barley, rye, and sorghum feed production in Northern Italy.
Ileal starch digestibility of different cereal grains fed to growing pigs. P. Rosenfelder-Kuon, et. al.
Studied the ileal starch digestibility of eight varieties each of barley, wheat, triticale, and rye in pigs.
Increasing hybrid rye level substituting wheat grain with or without enzyme on growth performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing barrows and gilts. Miranda N. Smit, et. al.
Studied the impact of replacing wheat with hybrid rye in grower-finishing pig feed efficiency and feed costs in Western Canada.
Effects of increasing dietary rye levels on physicochemical characteristics of digesta and its impact on stomach emptying as well as the formation of 'doughballs' in stomachs of young pigs. Volker Wilke, et. al.
Studied the effects of rye in pig diets on stomach emptying (satiety) and lactic acid levels in the intestine.
High inclusion rates of hybrid rye instead of corn in diets for growing-finishing pigs do not influence the overall growth performance and most carcass traits are not influenced by hybrid rye. Molly McGhee, et. al.
Studied the effects of replacing corn with hybrid rye on pigs growth performance and meat quality.
Hybrid rye may replace up to 75% of the corn in diets for gestating and lactating sows without negatively impacting sow and piglet performance. Molly McGhee, et. al.
Studied the effects of replacing corn with hybrid rye on sow and litter performance.
Adjusting Feeder Pig Rations to Include Hybrid Rye. Practical Farmers of Iowa.
Determining a feed ration including hybrid rye to meet the digestible energy of a corn diet in pigs.
Replacing Corn with Hybrid Rye in Feeder Pig Rations. Practical Farmers of Iowa.
Studied the effects of including hybrid rye in a corn/soy feed ration on pig weight gain, feed cost, and crop rotation.