Rye Cooking & Baking

Rye is known for delicious and hearty Nordic and Baltic-style breads but has properties well-suited to a range of products from pastry to pasta


Describes the differences between baking with wheat and rye, challenegs of baking with rye, and rye quality considerations.

Interview with Los Angeles baker Roxana Jullapat on her book Mother Grains: Recipes for the Grain Revolution.


Studies the physical, chemical, and phenolic properties as well as baking quality of primitive rye compared to open-pollinated and hybrid common ryes.

Baking evaluation to identify which quality parameters are important indicators of rye grain quality from commercial mills.


Baking book offering recipes, descriptions, and cultural contexts of many breads from across Europe and the United States.

An essential guide to baking western-style breads with an extensive section on rye and how rye differs from wheat.

Book about the art of baking with rye. Buyer beware - book is printed in Russian.


Webinar on baking 100% rye bread.