Rye History & Culture
Rye has a rich and varied culture dating to the dawn of agriculture
The History of Rye Cultivation in Europe. Karl Ernst Behre. 1992
Provides a history of rye cultivation from wild seeds in Anatolia in the early Neolithic Era. Tracks its movement and domestication northwards to central and eastern Europe through the Roman period.
The Beginnings of Rye (Secale cereale) Cultivation in the East Baltics. Mindaugas Grikpėdis and Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė. 2016.
Uses pollen and historical grain samples to identify when rye became a staple food crop in the Eastern Baltic region of Europe.
How Ancient People Fell in Love with Bread, Beer and Other Carbs. Andrew Curry. 2021.
Studying archeological sites in modern-day Turkey to learn how early grains became a dietary staple in prehistoric societies in the Middle East.
The “Coalition of ‘Rye and Iron’” Under the Pressure of Globalization: A reinterpretation of Germany’s political economy before 1914. Cornelius Torp. 2010.
What You Need to Know About Rye. Anson Mills.
A brief history of rye production for bread and spirits in the American South and Abruzzi rye’s roots going back to Roman Jesuit monks.
Rye History and Traditions in Latvia. Baltic Country Holidays. 2020.
History, traditions, and types of rye bread in Latvia presented by a Latvian and Baltic region tourism association.
The Icelandic Bakery That Buries Its Bread in Hot Springs. Tiffany Eastham. January 17, 2022.
A story of an Icelandic rye bread that is buried and baked by geothermal hot springs for 24 hours yielding a rich and cakey rye loaf.
Turns Out Rye Whiskey Isn’t an American Creation After All. Lew Bryson. The Daily Beast. December 3, 2021.
Describes the introduction of rye whiskey by German immigrants in the early Bay colony of Massachusetts before migrating to Pennsylvania.
1880 Census: Volume 3. Report on the Productions of Agriculture. United States Census Bureau. 1883.
Data, maps, and histories of barley, rye, and buckwheat production in the US for the 1880 census. The full census includes other crops and livestock, agricultural history, and processes.
The Kingdom of Rye. Darra Goldstein. 2022.
A history of Slavic food and culture shaped by hunger, climate, and politics.
Musu Maize (Our Daily Bread). Indra Cekstere. 2004.
The story of bread baking traditions in Latvia. Printed in Latvian and English side by side.
Domestication of Plants in the Old World. Danial Zohary, Maria Hopf and Ehud Weiss. Oxford University Press. Fourth Edition 2012.
The origin and spread of domesticated plants in Southwest Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean Basin.
Grain Homeschool with James MacGuire Rye History & Loaf Baking. Andy Clark with James MacGuire. July 7, 2021.
Webinar of American and European rye history, production, breeding, and baking.